Thursday, October 9, 2014

XiYo Repair Machines for Phones store: Mishell shows you How To Separate LCD / Digitizer ...

XiYo Repair Machines for Phones store: Mishell shows you How To Separate LCD / Digitizer ...: All tools and equipment are available from  I will be explaining how to use our new digitizer removal mach...

Mishell shows you How To Separate LCD / Digitizer / Glass On A Mobile Phone

All tools and equipment are available from 
I will be explaining how to use our new digitizer removal machine to successfully separate the glass panel from the LCD / digitizer on a mobile device.
The machine, method and equipment used in this example can be used on any device under 7″ that has a bonded LCD / digitizer assembly such as:
  • Samsung Galaxy SII,SIII, SIII Mini, SIV, SIV Mini, Note, Note II, Note III
  • Apple iPhone 4, 4s, 5, 5s, 5c
  • Apple iPod Touch 4th and 5th generation
  • Many HTC’s, Sony, LG and Nokia phones
For this guide I will be removing the LCD and digitizer panel from the glass panel on an iPhone 4
This is the iPhone 4 LCD assembly I will be using, in this example the unit is an original Apple replacement removed from a functional phone

Original Apple iPhone 4 LCD assembly

Step 1 – Removal of the frame

Estimated working time – 2 minutes
Required equipment:
Spudger tool – Selection here
The frame surrounding the iPhone 4 and 4s is held into place using a mild adhesive, the most effective way to remove this is by using a nylon tool / spudger and sliding it around the frame for easy removal
Remove the frame 
Frame separated from LCD assembly 

Step 2 – Glass separation

Estimated working time – 10-16 minuets
Tools required:
LCD touch screen separating machine : XIYO 003 
Lightly wipe the surface of the LCD assembly and digitizer removal machine plate removing any dust, remove and excess adhesive from the LCD left over from the frame separation.
Fit the digitizer assembly face down into the machine plate, adjust the clamps on the machine so the assembly is fully secured and held into position. 
Secure to machine using adjustable clamps
Turn the machine on, use the set button and use the up/down arrows to set the required temperature, once set the machine will remember the last set selection for next use.
Note: Top row (red) shows current temperature, bottom line (green) shows set temperature. 
Top row (red) shows current temperature, bottom line (green) shows set temperature.
For this example we are going to set the machine to 100 degrees, this is the best temperature to melt the adhesive, anything above 110 may damage the LCD screen.
The machine may vary by a couple of degrees during use.
While the machine is warming to the correct temperature you will need to remove the front camera spacer that is glued to the LCD assembly
Note: Only original Apple LCD assemblies have this spacer pre-attached, if the screen has been replaced in the past using an after-market spare this bracket will not be attached and this part can be skipped

Gently slide the front camera spacer from the glass to remove
Gently slide the plastic spacer away from the LCD assembly, this will require no force between 40-60 degrees as the adhesive will have softened.

Machine has now reached required temperature

Once the machine has reached the required temperature use cutting wire to separate LCD

Insert the cutting wire between the front glass and LCD
Once the machine is at the required temperature carefully place the cutting wire in place along the top of the LCD panel, its best practice to start at the end without the cables.
On the iPhone 4/4s you can separate the LCD with digitizer or separate the LCD panel only, choose how you wish to separate by positioning the cutting wire in the correct position – in this example we are going to remove the LCD panel with the digitizer panel attached.
Gently and slowly move the wire from left to right with downward pressure to work all the way from the top of the LCD to the bottom being careful to take time and care, in most case the same length of cutting wire can be used, in some cases the wire may break during use – if this happens removed the broken cable and start from the top.
Once the wire has made one pass you should made a further 1-3 passes (each pass being easier than the previous)
Once the LCD has been separated carefully remove the LCD panel being cautious of the heat and delicate LCD panel.
Successful separation of LCD / digitizer and glass panel
At this point it’s best to test to LCD and digitizer functions before proceeding.

Test the LCD / Touch screen (we are using a special diagnostic cable in this case)

Step 3 – Cleaning the LCD panel (and glass panel if required)

Working time: 5-8 minuets
Tools required:
UV Glue cleaning solution: Product Code – XiYo 019
Apply the UV Glue cleaning solution to the LCD and allow to react for 30 seconds, wipe the surface to remove any excess liquid.
The adhesive will be in a gel like state, the easiest way to remove this is to gently rub it off using your finger or thumb until the LCD / digitizer is clean from residue. 

Apply cleaning solution
Remove gel like residue by peeling or rubbing with finger or thumb

Removal of old glue, use more cleaning solution if required
Once the screen is free from the residue use a dry cloth to clean, for this we recommend a micro-fibre cloth

Clean the LCD / touch screen
At this point, again test the screen for functionality
Clean LCD digitizer assembly, ready to fit onto a new glass panel
If required use the same method to clean the glass panel. 

Check out more detailes on our website : 

Best Regards,  Mishell Hu
TM: cn1511814035
Skype: sales003.szxiyo
Mobile : +86 13544235697